Are you a woman who wants to mindfully disrupt the workplace? This community is for you if...

You Want a Meaningful Career

It's not selfish to want more. You want to honor your core values and have a purpose, even if you are still figuring out what that purpose is.

You Want to Make a Difference

Having a career to earn a paycheque, but not have a voice is boring to you. You also want to make a difference in an area you care about.

You Want Tools and a Like-Minded Community

As a mindful disruptor, this comes with many challenges and emotional hurdles. We want this to be a space where we co-create and come up with simple, effective strategies and support one another to find meaning, purpose, and make a lasting impact.

Join the Mindful Disruptor Community

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Want 1:1 Coaching with Jasleen?

Learn more on how you can work with Jasleen. Jasleen is an ICF Certified coach who helps leaders create the impact and change they want within their organizations, communities, teams, and within themselves. Jasleen uses evidence-based tools and draws from her background in HR, Psychology, and Leadership Development. You can set up a free intro session and find out more about packages here: